
Overview of Sustainability

Sustainability is the responsible management of natural resources, such as energy, water, air, land, and biodiversity. 

Get Career Ready for Sustainability

Find out what it takes to land a career in Sustainability

Career Readiness Equation
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Earn a Degree

Earn Degree

To work in the Sustainability field, it is recommended you have a strong background in science, policy, health or engineering. Check the Mason Catalog for degree requirements.

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Gain Experiences

Gain Experiences

Employers expect at least six to twelve months of related experience to be competitive for full-time positions. Gain experience while you are a student at Mason.


Here are the types of experiences most valued by Sustainability employers, and where to find them:


Research and Field Experience

Volunteer Experience

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Market Yourself

Market Yourself

It is important for you to be able to clearly communicate the knowledge, skills and experiences you have gained in and outside of the classroom.



Get ideas on how to showcase your qualifications to Sustainability employers from the resume samples below:


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Career Ready




Career ready Mason grads have gone on to work for Sustainability employers, such as:



Booz Allen Hamiliton 

Environmental Protection Agency 

Fairfax County Public Schools 

Fairfax County Park Authority 

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 

National Park Service 

Smithsonian Institute 

U.S. Geological Survey 

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Join the Sustainability community

Get involved with academic and professional Sustainability societies to grow your network while you're still a student.